Jamie Walsh
@ ArtWorks (CEI) Gallery
408 SW Monroe suite 110 ...
Opening Reception: Thursday, August 20th, 4-8pm
part of Corvallis Art Walk (CAW)
more info:[email protected]
about CEI: http://ceiworks.org/
Jamie Walsh Bio:
Jamie Walsh is the program coordinator for Oregon Supported Living Program's Arts & Culture Program in Eugene, Oregon. In her free time she enjoys getting creative and testing out new ideas. Using basic acrylics, she has been having fun experimenting with dots. Combining symmetrical with random, defined with unstructured, there is no right or wrong. The main goal is to have fun with color and space, one dot at a time.
Partner: OUTPOST1000 info: http://outpost1000.weebly.com/
@ ArtWorks (CEI) Gallery
408 SW Monroe suite 110 ...
Opening Reception: Thursday, August 20th, 4-8pm
part of Corvallis Art Walk (CAW)
more info:[email protected]
about CEI: http://ceiworks.org/
Jamie Walsh Bio:
Jamie Walsh is the program coordinator for Oregon Supported Living Program's Arts & Culture Program in Eugene, Oregon. In her free time she enjoys getting creative and testing out new ideas. Using basic acrylics, she has been having fun experimenting with dots. Combining symmetrical with random, defined with unstructured, there is no right or wrong. The main goal is to have fun with color and space, one dot at a time.
Partner: OUTPOST1000 info: http://outpost1000.weebly.com/